ABC's of TK 
Attendance/Absences: Attendance at TK is very important! Your child's progress, both academically and socially, is greatly influenced by daily participation. However, if your child is sick and needs to stay home, please call 619-258-4821
Arrival/Dismissal Procedure: Children are to wait outside by Little Rock Park for flag salute at 7:40 a.m. I will be waiting for them. At 7:45 I will bring them to the classroom. For dismissal, I will open the back gate at 11:15 and look for you. Your child will not be released until I have spotted your face. If someone other than Mom or Dad is picking up your child, please let me know. Unless I have written consent from you, I can only release your child to the people listed on the emergency card. Please make sure you have emergency contacts listed. Also, please let me know if your child will be going home with another child after school. Your child's safety is my priority!
Birthdays: Birthdays are such an exciting time in your child's life! We will celebrate by singing to your child and making their day extra special. If you would like to bring a treat to class please make sure it is a healthy snack like fruit, string cheese, bagels, etc. Depending on food allergies, certain foods may not be able to be served (I will let you know). If you choose not to bring in food, you can also send in small gift bags, birthday pencils, cap erasers, etc.
Behavior Policy: I believe students thrive on positive recognition and praise. I work hard to create an atmosphere of friendship and respect in my classroom. I strongly believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe and productive environment. I teach students that life is about choices and learning to make good choices will be emphasized throughout the year. I strive for consistency and I will begin the school year with clear expectations. The first couple weeks we will practice the procedures and expectations in the classroom. Before you know it, the procedures become a habit for the students.
At this young age, children are still learning how to share, express their feelings, solve conflicts, etc. If a problem occurs, your child and I will look at what was done, who might have been affected, how they might feel, and think of other ways to have handled the situation. I believe EVERY situation is a TEACHABLE MOMENT!!
Our Classroom Rules:
1. Care
2. Share
3. Be Fair
Our Classroom Rewards:
1. A happy teacher and happy students
2. Verbal Praise
3. Bears
4. Marble jar
5. Positive phone calls
6. Table Points
Our Classroom Consequences:
1. Verbal Redirection and Friendly Reminders
2. Behavior Chart:
Radiant Rainbow: Wow! Amazing day!
Shining Star: Student is having a great day, above average
Super Sunny: All students start their day on sunny.
Partly Cloudy: Student is struggling a little.
Rainy Day: Student has had multiple warnings and must take a time out and if necessary parents will be contacted.
Communication: Communication between home and school is vital to your child's success. I value your involvement and believe I can better teach your child when working in partnership with you and your family. Therefore, consistent, positive communication with you is one of my top priorities. To keep you informed, I will be sending home a weekly take home folder each Monday (see "Take Home Folder" below) and a bi-weekly newsletter as well (see "Newsletter" below).
You know your child better than anyone, and I value all that I can learn from you! I welcome your questions, comments and any concerns you may have.
Please contact me anytime:
*Classroom Number: 619-258-4826
*School E-Mail: [email protected]
Cubbies: Your child will have his/her own cubby in the classroom. Cubbies will be used for storing your child's work.
Dress for Success: Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for energetic (and sometimes messy!) learning and play at school. Clothing should be washable, comfortable, and cover well when running, jumping, and turning upside down. Shoes should be sturdy, with closed toes and backs. Tennis shoes/sneakers are best. No flip flops or clogs.
EAK: The Early Admission to Kindergarten curriculum fosters a life-long love for learning while preparing your child for the next exciting phase; kindergarten! This program helps make the transition smoother by helping children become more familiar with an organized environment. Your child will be provided with opportunities that encourage cooperation, responsibility, creativity, sharing, listening, imagination, rethinking and teamwork. Each day the children will be participating in and learning the following:
*Reading and Phonemic Awareness Skills (letter sound recognition) *Calendar and Weather *Letter/Number Recognition (ABC's, upper and lowercase distinction) *Guided Writing/Prewriting Skills *Learning Centers (which include math, writing, reading, blocks and building, dramatic play) *Thematic units *Art *Science/Health
Most importantly, this program will fuel an excitement for learning and show your child that school is a safe and consistent place to learn and explore.
E-Mail: I check my school e-mail everyday before and after school. I will respond to your emails promptly.
Fabulous Bears: I like to use a bear system to recognize good choices and excellent behavior. If I see your child doing an amazing job, I will tell them to get a bear. For every bear they receive they get a sticker at the end of the day.
Goodbyes: Saying goodbyes at school can be very emotional for you and your child. But try to send your child off with a smile anda wave along with the reassurance that you will see them after school. I am going to ask that you say goodbye at the flagpole to make it easier on both you and your child.
Health: Please let me know of any special circumstances that may affect your child (i.e., medications that make him/her sleepy, a death in the family, etc). Also, please let me know of any allergies your child may have, especially food allergies.
Homework: There will not be homework for the first couple of weeks while the children are adjusting to their school routine. The homework will be enriching and fun; it will also introduce your child to the homework routine and promote responsibility. I will send it home once a month in the form of a monthly calendar and they will do one activity a night! Homework should never take more than 10 minutes per night. The most important "homework" you can do with your child is read with him/her 20 minutes each night.
Illness: The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when the decision may affect your work schedule and alternate arrangements may need to be made. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he/she is ill. This helps them to feel better quicker and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom if they are healthy. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school!
Jar: Your children will be working hard to earn marbles to fill my marble jar. When they fill the jar they get a special treat like a popcorn party, free play, etc.
Kindergarten Readiness: There are many things you can do to help prepare your child for kindergarten. One of the most important is communication. Have a lot of conversation everyday. Remember, if all else fails...just be positive!
Library: We will hopefully have a scheduled time for the school library each week. We will work towards checking out books. They will take them to our room, unless I get special permission from you to take them home!
My Classroom Goals: My goal in the classroom is to instill a life long love for learning that will carry on with my students throughout their educational journey. I want to give my students a solid foundation (academically, socially, and emotionally) that they will use as a springboard toward reaching their fullest potential. It is my goal that every child will come to believe in their own abilities-that they are capable of accomplishing anything because they have the tools to do themselves. Every child will know that they are very much loved by me and that I value them for the unique inpiduals they are. In turn, it is my goal that every child will come to realize his/her value as a person and to see what an incredible gift they are to this world. Be assured that I will guide and encourage your child, celebrating each step of the way as he or she gains a love of learning, self-confidence, and the academic skills that form a foundation for continued success.
Newsletters: I will send home a bi weekly newsletter every Monday in the weekly folder. It is very important that you read the newsletter so you can keep your child prepared for the week's events. The newsletter will contain information about our classroom activities, schedules, events for the week, and how you can help in our classroom.
NO Toys Policy: The school has a NO Toy Policy. Please check your child's backpack to make sure no toys have hidden themselves inside there.
Open Door Policy: Please know that I have an open door policy in my classroom, and invite you to be a part of your child's school adventure.
Office Contact Information:
Phone number: 619-258-4800
Progress: Your child's progress will be monitored throughout the year in various ways. If I am concerned about your child's progress I will let you know.
Questions: Since like me, so many of you are new to Chet F. Harrit, I'm sure you will have some unanswered questions. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns. You can also contact the school secretary for further information.
READING! READING! READING! Students will be encouraged to read 20 minutes a night with a family member. Studies show that reading is one of the greatest ways to ensure educational success for your child.
Room Parent: Every class needs a room parent!! The job of the room parent is to collaborate with me to coordinate parties and activities, to seek volunteers when needed, and help out in the classroom when needed. Being a room parent is a great way to be involved in your child's school life. If you are interested and excited about being our room parent, please let me know.
Schedule: School begins promptly at 7:45 am and ends at 11:15 am. We will have a 20 minute recess each day as well.
Sharing: One student each day will have the sharing can and will share an item from home that goes along with the letter we are studying that week. The student must place the item in the share can and come up with three clues to give the other students. The students will have the opportunity to guess what is in the share can.
Snack: Your children generally get hungry by midmorning so please send your child with a healthy snack. Snacks will be placed in the snack bucket when your child comes in the classroom each morning.
Super Star student: Each week a new child will be chosen as "Super Student" and will be the focus of attention during this time. This is an exciting role for your child to have. He/she will fill in and color a poster, "About Me" and will share it with the class.
Take Home Folder: Your child will take home a weekly folder on Monday with the classroom newsletter, and homework or projects for you to do during the week. Please complete any of the assignments and return the folder on Friday.
Unique Theme Days During the year we will enhance our learning by having theme days such as color days/hat day/stuffed animal day...etc: I will let you know ahead of time in the weekly newsletter when these days will take place.
Volunteers: Volunteers are a vital asset to the overall success of my classroom and to our school. Without the help of our volunteers, our classroom would not be able to do as many fun and exciting projects, lessons, and activities. If you are interested in doing any type of volunteer work in our classroom, I will have a sign-up sheet available. (note: younger siblings should not be brought to the classroom when you are planning on volunteering in the classroom ).
Wish List: I always appreciate any extra help and support in the classroom. I will post a wish list of items that can be donated to our classroom in the class newsletter. Thank you again for your support!
X'tra Clothes: We have extra clothes in the nurse's office if your child has an accident, gets wet, etc. If your child needs to change, the school nurse has some articles of clothing she will lend, but the supply is very limited! These clothes need to be washed and returned as soon as possible. In special circumstances, I may call home for you or a family member to come in and assist your child if needed.
You!: Please remember that you are your child's first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child's life in the way that you can!
ZzZzZz: Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime schedule helps them to be alert and ready to learn each day!