Due to circumstances beyond our control, some voicemails may not be set up correctly. Please use email or call the Office and leave a message at 619-258-4800, and we will route the message directly to the classroom teacher. Thank you for your understanding.
Beth Treglio
Kristopher (KJ) Hoyt |
Lori Zurmuhle
Language Arts Specialist |
Specialized Academic Instructor (Resource) |
Specialized Academic Instructor (Resource) |
Room 13
(619) 258-4857
[email protected]
Room 19
(619) 258-4838
[email protected]
MPR Conference Room
(619) 258-4835
[email protected]
Kalen Jennings
Hannah El-Shami |
Stacie Bartfeld
Specialized Academic Instructor (SDC) |
Specialized Academic Instructor (SDC) |
Speech & Language Pathologist |
Room 17
(619) 258-4840
Room 18
(619) 258-4841
Workroom G
(619) 258-4856
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Joey Sutera |
Courtney McLean |
Courtney Breslow
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) |
Counselor |
ERMHS Social Worker |
Room 8
(619) 258-4844
[email protected]
Workroom L
(619) 258-4819
[email protected]
Workroom C
(619) 258-4859
[email protected]
Kristin Luna
Katie Vick |
School Psychologist
Curriculum Resource Teacher |
Workroom D
(619) 258-4851
[email protected]
Room 20
(619) 258-4842
[email protected]