Fundraiser 1
Fall 2024: TBD
Dates: TBD
Fundraiser 2
Spring 2024: TBD
Dates: TBD
The above fundraisers are open to all 4th-8th grade students to raise money for school-based events such as 6th grade camp, 7th Grade Sea World, 8th grade Camp Jr. Counselor, 8th Grade end-of-year field trip (Disneyland) and other 8th Grade end-of-year activities.
These are school based-fundraisers. This means that any funds raised belong to the school. They are tracked and set aside for the specific students that participate. Should a student be unable to attend an event or activity, the funds cannot be refunded. They can, however, be redirected to another event or be used by another student (for example, a sibling.) If a student leaves the school, the funds can be transferred to the new school within the Santee School District. Such a transfer must be requested in writing. Questions? See administration.