Borrowing Policy

Students visit the library once a week with their class. During their borrowing time, students are allowed to choose from a selection of fiction and nonfiction books. If a student is absent during their library time, the student may, at the teacher's discretion, come to the library the following day to exchange their library book(s). Students may borrow one or two library books for a one-week period.


Library books are school property. Therefore, it is important that each student returns their library book in undamaged condition on the date due. If a student does not return their library book on the due date, then they are not allowed to borrow another book until the overdue book is returned.


If a student loses a library book, the family is required to pay the replacement cost of the borrowed book. If the lost book is found, the money may, in some circumstances, be refunded to the student's family (see student handbook).

If a student returns a library book in damaged condition, then the student is responsible for paying the replacement cost for the damaged book.

In the case of a lost or damaged book, the student is not allowed to borrow another book from the library media center until the replacement cost of the lost or damaged book is paid in full.